Explore Deep Knowledge About DIGITAL MARKETING

It is more than just an online platform. We believe in the power of knowledge, creativity, and collaboration. Our journey started with a group of entrepreneurs, marketers, and tech enthusiasts reaching the pinnacle of success.

What is SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) | SEO Basics

Hello and welcome to another lesson of the Basic SEO course! Today, we’re going to explore how search engines display results and dive into the world of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). We’ll break down what a SERP is and how organic search results are shown by search engines like Google. It’s going to be fascinating, so let’s get started! What Happens When You Search on Google? When you type a query into Google, the

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Digital Marketing Metrics & KPI's Explained| A Guide to Boosting Your Business

Digital Marketing Metrics & KPI’s Explained | A Guide to Boosting Your Business

Let’s be honest: listening to a digital marketer talk about metrics and KPIs can sometimes feel like listening to someone speaking a completely foreign language. Do you even speak English? But in this article, I’m going to break down the core digital marketing metrics you need to know to really help your business thrive. More importantly, I’ll explain what you can start doing with those metrics to improve the results you’re getting from your digital

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How to Build an Email Marketing Strategy | How Marketing Cloud Can

What’s up, everybody! Show of hands: how many of you checked your email today? You too? Yep, me too, because, you know, email is still one of the world’s most popular ways to communicate. Today we’re talking about email marketing, a tactic that’s essential for companies both big, small, and everything in between. Now we’re going to help you understand what email marketing is, why it’s important for building relationships, and how you can succeed

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New Facebook Ads Strategy in 2024

What worked with Facebook ads 3 years ago doesn’t work today. As I was auditing an ad account this month, the setup looked very familiar. I thought, “This is exactly how I ran ads 3 to 4 years ago,” but this strategy isn’t what gets the best results today. The platforms and algorithms have evolved, and consumer behavior has changed with the rise of TikTok and YouTube Shorts. Today, the strategies that work best have

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11 Reasons to Choose Digital Marketing as a Career in 2024.

Future-proof, remote-capable, high-income. This is still, by far, the best career choice in 2024. You are considering digital marketing as a career. Good for you. Today I’m going to share 11 reasons why that is a good decision. Share it with your friends and parents, and add to your conviction. I’ve got six pretty obvious ones and five not-so-obvious reasons. So stay tuned till the end to read all 11. Okay, let’s get into it:

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Is Digital Marketing A Good Career?

Is digital marketing a good career? That is the topic of this article. We’re going to be talking about all the most important things associated with digital marketing, like salary, job satisfaction, demand, and other factors. By the end of this article, you are going to have a very good idea of whether digital marketing is a good career and specifically a good career fit for you or not. What exactly is digital marketing? So

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The most common question I receive from college students and working professionals is how to generate an additional side income. For some, this also extends to wanting to earn during their college years or contemplating leaving their current job. We are often unsure of what steps to take. In today’s digital world, earning online has become more accessible, though success typically requires gradual progress rather than immediate results. In this article, I will discuss how

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A Beginner’s Guide To Digital Marketing.

In this article, I am going to help you become a better digital marketer by addressing one of the most important things you need to know about digital marketing right now. You know, digital marketing has been made to seem more complicated than it actually is. And that’s a shame really, because it’s actually pretty straightforward. If you want to get the best results possible from your digital marketing, you are going to need to

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Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO & Why SEO is Important?

I assume that all of you are familiar with the term SEO; otherwise, you would not have come to read this article. Still, by any chance, if you don’t know what SEO is, we’ll start from the very beginning and try to make you one of the world’s specialists in SEO. When you add your one to two years of experience with this course, you will become one of the top 1-2% SEO experts in

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Follow on..

Hi! I am Bulbul.

I have been dedicating my professional career to SEO since 2020, during which time I have successfully assisted numerous clients in expanding their businesses. With a specialization in achieving top rankings on Google for even the most challenging keywords, I have continuously demonstrated my expertise in the field of Search Engine Optimization. My years of experience have allowed me to develop a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in optimizing websites for maximum visibility and growth, making me a valuable asset to any organization looking to enhance their online presence.

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